
Showing posts from 2016

Prototyping / Workflow Tools

Being an Android app developer, I have to create mock-ups and workflows for the apps that I work on. Sometimes, the client only comes with an idea and I have to help him create a flow for the app with client's desired features. During those times, these prototyping & workflow creation tools help very much. When you create a mock-up or screen-by-screen workflow of the app, it helps the client to envision the final outcome of the development work. Of course, the real work comes later but it certainly helps the client understand the flow of the app as well as see the placement of the tools and structure of each screen. These tools are: Pixate InVision App Marvel App iPlotz Gliffy Cacoo Mock Flow Frame Box Origami Hot Gloo Pencil Project Omni Graffe Flair Builder Just In Mind Fore UI Balsamiq Mockups Axure Pidoco Microsoft Visio Adobe InDesign CC Proto Share Fluid UI Prott App Flinto Conceptly Web Flow Weld Plot Mockingbird Lovely Charts Lumzy Simp...

Platforms Helping You Laugh

Once in a day, I find it refreshing to visit anyone of these below mentioned sites to laugh or be entertained. Do give it a try. Some sites may contain R rated funny content (very few I've seen), so please be advised and use cautiously. Cracked The Chive Buzz Feed eBaum's World Funny Or Die Cheese Burger Quick Meme College Humor The Onion 9 GAG Funny Junk Smosh XKCD Fark The Oat Meal The Institute Of Official Cheer Engrish Pictures Of Walls Things Organized Neatly Aiming Low I Am Bored Oddee Awkward Family Photos My Life Is Average My Parents Joined Facebook Historical Tweets Some eCards Found Magazine This Is Why You're Fat Break IMGUR Pinterest Funny Pictures Reddit Funny Bored Panda A Jokes All Top Humor TheUnRealTimes Faking News Farzi News Funtoosh Eat Liver Uber Humor Funny Website Very Funny Pics Damn LOL Sanitaryum