
Prototyping / Workflow Tools

Being an Android app developer, I have to create mock-ups and workflows for the apps that I work on. Sometimes, the client only comes with an idea and I have to help him create a flow for the app with client's desired features. During those times, these prototyping & workflow creation tools help very much. When you create a mock-up or screen-by-screen workflow of the app, it helps the client to envision the final outcome of the development work. Of course, the real work comes later but it certainly helps the client understand the flow of the app as well as see the placement of the tools and structure of each screen. These tools are: Pixate InVision App Marvel App iPlotz Gliffy Cacoo Mock Flow Frame Box Origami Hot Gloo Pencil Project Omni Graffe Flair Builder Just In Mind Fore UI Balsamiq Mockups Axure Pidoco Microsoft Visio Adobe InDesign CC Proto Share Fluid UI Prott App Flinto Conceptly Web Flow Weld Plot Mockingbird Lovely Charts Lumzy Simp...

Platforms Helping You Laugh

Once in a day, I find it refreshing to visit anyone of these below mentioned sites to laugh or be entertained. Do give it a try. Some sites may contain R rated funny content (very few I've seen), so please be advised and use cautiously. Cracked The Chive Buzz Feed eBaum's World Funny Or Die Cheese Burger Quick Meme College Humor The Onion 9 GAG Funny Junk Smosh XKCD Fark The Oat Meal The Institute Of Official Cheer Engrish Pictures Of Walls Things Organized Neatly Aiming Low I Am Bored Oddee Awkward Family Photos My Life Is Average My Parents Joined Facebook Historical Tweets Some eCards Found Magazine This Is Why You're Fat Break IMGUR Pinterest Funny Pictures Reddit Funny Bored Panda A Jokes All Top Humor TheUnRealTimes Faking News Farzi News Funtoosh Eat Liver Uber Humor Funny Website Very Funny Pics Damn LOL Sanitaryum

Platforms To Watch Movies & Shows Legally

A Google search for your favorite movies and shows gives you thousands-to-a-million results. Some results point to the information sites while some take you directly to stream or download your favorite show or movie. Its a good thing that we get our desired result and enjoy the entertainment that Google helped us find. The thing that we fail to understand is that often these websites giving us free entertainment are not legal and they host pirated content. And its not a secret what happens next if we get caught watching pirated content. So, it is best for us to be safe online and inspect the websites we visit for our entertainment and find legal ways for that. I've found these platforms that host legal content online:  Where To Watch Netflix Hulu Amazon Prime Internet Archive YouTube Movies YouTube Shows Vudu Blockbuster Now Cinema Now Retrovision Classic Movies Xfinity Can I Stream It PBS Video Classic Cinema Online Lifetime Popcorn Flix Indie Flix Open Cultur...

Platforms For Streaming Or Downloading Music

Music industry has been revolutionized when streaming was introduced. People have access to their favorite music for free anytime they want and anywhere they like. And it is totally legal too. Only requirement is a decent Internet connection which is available in all the developed nations of the world and broadband penetration is increasing day-by-day in the developing nations as well. So, here are the platforms: Pandora Spotify Google Play Music Apple Music Microsoft Groove Saavn Gaana Bollywood Hungama Music Music India Online Jango mySpace Songs Slacker iHeart Radio 977 Music Mix Cloud Rdio Deezer SoundCloud TuneIn Never Ending Playlist 8 Tracks Radio Tuna Radio Tunes Listube Shout Cast Guvera Last FM 1 FM Kidz Search Radio MTV Music Earbits Radio Presto Classical Connect Freegal Noisetrade Free Music Archive Jamendo MP3 Amazon Free Songs Epitonic Pure Volume Live Music Archive SXSW Torrents Etree

Platforms To Find Work For Freelancers

It's been a year since I started freelancing and it has been an awesome experience. I knew I wasn't made for the typical 9 to 5 job but I didn't have the courage to do something about it. I worked for 5 years in a traditional job growing impatient day-by-day. As a human being, our focus is not the same every hour of every day. Some days you are energetic and some days just pass on. Even in a day, there are specific timings for each one of us when we are extremely energetic, when we are unstoppable. I was no different. My attention span degraded each passing minute if I continued working for more than 4-5 hours. I had to take a break and re-energize. Gradually, I realized that this way I could sustain for longer hours without loosing my focus. So, I would take a break every 2 hours and take a walk or have a tea. This break would be about 10-15 minutes long. This started working wonders for me. So, I've been doing just that. Nowadays, I can work for 10-12 hours a day if ...

Platforms To Keep Learning

In this age of Computers, you can learn any skill within a week or so. Of course, mastering the same skill requires practice and patience. Internet has opened up numerous opportunities to various sources of information on variety of things. There's nothing left which you can't learn on the internet, starting from making your bed to building an airplane. I've found these resources that mainly help people learn something new everyday: Khan Academy Udacity edX Code Academy Coursera PluralSight Udemy Degreed Cloud Academy Duolingo Curiosity Instructables Code Combat Memrise Future Learn Lingvist Busuu Check IO Sywork Lrn Primer Live Coding Trinket Drupalize Me Bloc Vocabulary Babbel Wix Ed Pencil Code SquareKnot Platzi Data Camp Highbrow Skillshare Coursmos Sitepoint Premium iTunes U Code School Thinkful Data Quest Curious Creative Live Lynda Guides Code   Base Rails Data Monkey Learnist One Month Dash Bento Learn ...

List Of Platforms To Enhance Your Coding Skills

Programming is not a single day activity. It requires practice and continuous learning, improvement to hone our minds, to become a better programmer. Here are some online resources where we can practice our learning and improve our skills: Stack Overflow Code Wars Programmr Hacker Rank Code Eval Exercism Codingame Top Coder Sphere Online Judge Code Chef Google Code Jam Programming Praxis Crazy For Code Coding Bat Code Golf (@Stack Exchange) Project Euler Al Zimmermann's Programming Contest OSIX Hack This Site Programming Puzzles (@Quora) Code Kata Python Challenge Ruby Quiz Algorithmatic Rosetta Code Wu Riddles Timus Online Judge Career Cup Leet Code Rankk British Informatics Olympiad IBM Ponder This Google Algorithm For Geeks Forum Less Than Dot The Daily WTF's BYOC Daily Programmer (@Reddit) Hacker Pex For Fun 4Clojure IOCCC Cyber Dojo Rosalind